Atikokan's Strategic Planning Process

Hard at work

The Voice of Atikokan:
Strategic Planning, 2001

A group of dedicated, local residents wound up the input stage of the strategic planning process for the community last Thursday night at the Pioneer Centre.

We had come together about eight weeks earlier and had, over that time, described Atikokan's strengths, and weaknesses, the opportunities for and potential threats to the community. We had worked up a vision statement, a statement of the values inherent in the community and a theme. Now it was time to look at the goals and objectives that would bring the vision into reality.

Guided through the process by Warren Paulson, Quetico Centre's Director of Information Technology and Programs (and provider of coffee and cookies), we really worked hard last Thursday, going through over 60 potential projects to see if they meshed with the defined goals and rating them in order of priority.

Much lively analysis and discussion ensued around the three tables. By 8:55 p.m. (we always tried to finish up by 9:00 p.m.), a certain giddiness was evident in some of the groaners and puns being produced.

A tremendous amount of effort went into the process.

The Next Step?

Warren will assemble, analyze and digest the information, rendering it into a presentable format and begin to bring it to community organizations and businesses to gain their commitment to the vision and theme.

The Vision:
"Atikokan, Canada's Canoe Capital, is known as a safe, healthy community with a diverse economy, strong ties to the wilderness and a creative spirit."

Our Values:
• Harmony with the land
• Friendliness and generosity
• Healthy and nurturing lifestyles
• Independence and tenacity

Our Theme:
"The canoe embodies the integrity, spirituality, artistry and innovation of northern Canada, and is a symbol that inspires these qualities in the people and businesses of our community."

The Atikokan Economic Development Corporation has pledged to monitor the on-going process and to publish its observations for the public on a regular basis.

Warren Paulson, facilitator

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